X-4 Current Class Responsibility

Hi guys, it's me again from X-4 Class on Alfa Centauri High School, I want to speak about E-Club Class Responsibility.
We had given a job for E-Club, for example Lieutenant, Class Messenger, Class DJ, Buletin Board Co-ordinator, etc.
Now this is your jobs for X-4 students:

Lieutenant: Dimas (Me??)
Class Messenger: Aulia
Class DJ: Fahri
Homework Consultant: Ayu
Whiteboard Cleaner: Adit
Vocabulary Writer: Irfan
Reviewer: Lusty
Buletin Board Co-Ordinator: Della & Ratri
Logistic Helper: Rivo & Gian
Chair Stalker: Ubassy, Hakim, Dria, Rezky & Fatur
Punisher: Harry
Handphone Confiscator: Hafidz
Paper Monitor: Sukma
Time Keeper: Galdrin
Explainer: Faat

For Class DJ, Reviewer, Buletin Board Co-Ordinators, Chair Stalkers and Time Keeper were picked by me.

And actually I want to be a Class DJ originally, but I picked as the Lieutenant by Aulia, Aulia picked me, didn't she??

So, if you not get the job yet, or you want to change your job (Only for Reviewer, Buletin Board Co-Ordinators and Chair Stalkers), please comment this post, or you can write in my Facebook wall: Dimas Wayne Pettigrew; or you can send a reply to my own Twitter @dimasflynn.
Ok, I'll see ya!
