High School President Episode 2

High School President took place in Jacob’s house at the beginning.
Dave and Garrett finally moved in to the house.
“Wow! Your house is so amazing, you have a lot of…” said Dave.
“…Sony branded gadgets?” continued Jacob.
“Yes.” said Dave.
“And why you mostly use Sony gadgets?” asked Garrett.
“I like them, and I’m the ad victim of them.” answered Jacob.
“Wow! This is Sony Vaio Z! This is really cool, Jacob, you bought it?” asked Dave.
“Actually my dad bought it for me.” answered Jacob.
“Wait, so your parents are currently working in the U.K.?” asked Garrett.
“Yes.” answered Jacob.
“So no guardians in this house!?” shouted Garrett.
“Nope!” said Jacob “But easy, I do most the housework so well, my sis does so worse.” said Jacob.
“So she can’t cook or wash the dishes?” said Dave.
“Of course, stupid!” said Garrett.
“Jacob, you hired me as the vice-president, and pay me five hundred thousand Rupiahs per month.” said Dave.
“Dave, this is not a part-time job!” shouted Jacob.
“Money, please!” said Dave.
“Fine, here you go!” said Jacob gave Dave five hundred thousand Rupiahs.
“Yes!” shouted Dave ran to the Jacob’s bedroom.

In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!
Lead it up – A Leader – Take it off from the bottom – A Leader
Then be leader – A Leader – Gotta lead the School Council till I feel it’s right
Lead it up – A Leader – Make it fit for everyone – A Leader
My personality – A Leader - that's why I got the job as OSIS leader
From the bottom to the top, it’s all real and you know
I’m leading the school students now
I’m Jacob Russell Cartwright as the Student Council President – Lead it up
Working at a leading job, I never really knew I could work this hard
Used to lead my classmates, now I'm in the OSIS as a president
I will always fair, like our president
I’m the first-ever freshman student become that
We just messin' around and we making new plan,
For the all around school and the students
If you see me in school, you know it's going down
Cause I'm High School President

High School Television

The next day, Jacob, Dave, and Garrett came to school.
“Well, Dave, today is your first day as my assistant, and so does my sis.” said Jacob.
“Oh yeah, I’m ready for that!” said Dave.
“Anyway, we should watch Chelsea VS Arsenal tomorrow! We can’t miss that match!” said Garrett.
“Oh yeah! I hope Chelsea win for that match!” shouted Dave.
“Hello, forget it first, and let’s get to work!” said Jacob.

In the break time, Rebecca was counting money.
“Wow! That money is too much!” said Melly.
“Yeah, and it’s really hard to count the income of our school.” said Rebecca.
“Rebecca, I think you should hire an assistant…” said Melly.
“Melly, as you know, someone who will be my assistant will leave for good.” said Rebecca.
“Relax, I hired him for you, and he is so handsome…” said Melly.

Five minutes later, Matt came as Rebecca’s new assistant.
“Hi, you’re so cute.” said Rebecca.
“Thank you and you’re so stingy.” said Matt.
“Excuse me?” asked Rebecca.
“Nah, that was nothing, I’m Matt, your new assistant.” said Matt.
“I’m Rebecca, the treasurer of the Student Council, nice to meet you.” said Rebecca.
“So, can I take that money?” asked Matt.
“No!” shouted Rebecca.

Meanwhile, Jacob was doing his work, while Dave and Garrett were not helping him.
“And I bet that Chelsea will win, I can’t wait to see Frank Lampard!” shouted Dave.
“I can wait for him either, and I’m really sure that John Terry will score a goal!” shouted Garrett.
“Guys, no time to talk that! Help me, please!” shouted Jacob.

“Okay, school’s money is also my money, and…” said Rebecca, and then she saw Matt was trying to take all the money “Matt, don’t take that!”
“But I’m going to count, and please give me the money!” said Matt.
“No way!” shouted Rebecca.
“But…” said Matt.
“No but!” shouted Rebecca.

Sunday night, Jacob was continuing his work, while Garrett and Dave were waiting for the football match, while waiting, they were watching PG-13-rated romantic comedy movie.
“Oh man!” said Garrett.
“Guys, we should continue our work!” shouted Jacob.
“C’mon, Jacob, the movie is in HD! And the match will be in HD too!” said Dave.
“Actually we work our jobs first is better than watching movie!” said Jacob.
“No, that’s not sucks! You should relax, Jacob!” said Garrett.
“Sorry, Garrett, but I’m going to focus…” said Jacob, and then he saw the TV screen “Oh man, they’re kissing!” he saw the kissing scene.
“Sit!” said Garrett.
“No!” said Jacob, and then Jacob sat on the sofa and started to watch the movie “Oh man, that’s so romantic! And many couples are kissing! I want to kiss girl’s lips!”
Then Dave and Garrett smiled and slapped their hands.

Meanwhile, Melly was watching Baby TV on her room.
“Hi, sis, what are you doing?” asked Jacob came.
“Um, watching cartoon.” answered Melly.
“Oh man, you’re watching Baby TV!?” shouted Jacob.
“The characters are so cute, so I watch it.” said Melly.
“Sis, this channel is only for babies, so if you want to learn, you should change the channel to National Geographic Channel.” said Jacob.
“No, bro! Nat Geo is too scary for me! I prefer Baby TV!” said Melly.
“Okay, and don’t be baby!” shouted Jacob, and then he left the room and went back to the living room, he saw Dave and Garrett were shirtless and watching the match.
“GOAL!!!” shouted Dave and Garrett stand up and put their hands up.
“Drogba made it!” shouted Garrett.
“And the shoot was so beautiful!” shouted Dave.
Then Jacob took his shirt off and asked “Hey, how’s the score?”
“1-0 for Chelsea!” shouted Garrett.
“Go, Chelsea!” shouted Dave.
“Yeah, I hope Chelsea win.” said Jacob sat on the sofa.
Five minutes later, they were still excited to watch the match.
“Go, Chelsea!” shouted them.
“Oh no! Malouda did the hard tackle to Alexander!” shouted Jacob.
“But thanks to the judge, no card to him!” said Dave.

At Monday, Jacob didn’t finish his work due to watching the last night’s match.
“Jacob, you didn’t finish your work! If I were you, Jacob, I won’t watch the match on that night.” said Rebecca.
“Of course, you’re a girl, you don’t like soccer.” said Jacob.
“Jacob, actually I like soccer, and I watch the match last night.” said Rebecca.
“I didn’t realize that some girls like soccer.” said Jacob.
Then Matt came “Rebecca, our money is 66.000 Rupiahs left.” said him.
“But how!? We didn’t buy anything yet last week!” shouted Rebecca, and then she saw the money on Matt’s pocket “Give me that money!” Matt gave her the money.
“And guess what? I saw the kissing scene on the HD movie before watching the match.” said Jacob.
“Ewww!! Jacob, our principal told us don’t see the kissing scene! That violate the moral norms!” said Rebecca.
“I didn’t, but they did.” said Jacob.
Then Dave came “Jacob, guess what, I can help you today.” said Dave.
“Okay, Dave,…” said Jacob.
“Jacob, can I talk to you?” asked Garrett came.
“In a minute, then we gonna back to…” answered Jacob.
“No, this is a quick talk.” said Garrett “I can’t come to the OSIS room after school, so the school’s futsal team will hold the friendly match against Sekolah Global Jaya’s futsal team on their school.”
“Is that tournament?” asked Jacob.
“No, this is really friendly match, and wish us luck!” answered Garrett.
“Yeah, Garrett, good luck!” said Jacob.
Then Garrett left.
“So, what I can do for you now?” asked Dave.
“You can help me, Dave, to planning for the future events.” answered Jacob.
“Okay, I have many ideas about PORAK (Sports & Arts Week).” said Dave.
“Great, what do you have?” asked Jacob.
“Okay, we must hold many competition, and definitely Futsal! And… we should hold the basketball match as well.” answered Dave.
“Dave, those…” said Jacob.
“Wait, I haven’t finished yet! In every class, they must build a stand and sell what they want to sell, for example foods, accessories, and more.” said Dave.
“Yeah, I think that’s another good idea, and here’s my idea, every class must decorate their own class nicely.” said Jacob.
“Yeah, good idea, but we talk it in our tomorrow’s meeting, and other idea, every class must make a short movie, but in HD.” said Dave.
“Wait, how the class make the short movie with HD without the HD camera?” asked Jacob.
“Yeah, they must convert it into HD.” said Dave.
“That’s too difficult, and the results might be in low HD.” said Jacob.
“I mean, we should borrow them those HD cameras.” said Dave.
“Money…” said Jacob.
“Oh man, HD cameras are too expensive.” said Dave.

After school, Rebecca and Matt were counting money, but Matt intended to engage in corruption, he took most money from the table.
“Matt, why the money is less than before we count it?” asked Rebecca.
“I’m sorry, Rebecca, I quit, you’re so selfish and jerk.” answered Matt, and then he ran away.
“Matt, come back and give that money back!! You’re did such corruption!” shouted Rebecca.

At night, Jacob, Melly, Dave, and Garrett were watching an R-rated movie.
“Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!!” shouted them “YES!”
“And finally they’re kissing!” said Jacob.
“That the most romantic part that I’ve ever seen.” said Melly.
“And should we watch this movie?” asked Dave.
“This movie is for adults actually.” said Garrett.
“Well, I think there a bit of positive messages we can take, I guess this film is not so bad.” answered Jacob.
“What is that?” asked Dave “Why they’re stripping?”
“Don’t tell me that the sex scene.” said Garrett.
“Oh my god!” shouted Dave.
“I think we have to skip this part.” said Jacob, he tried to find the remote, and so did Dave.
“No, I like this sex scene, I never see it before.” said Melly.
“AAARRRGH!!!” shouted Garrett closed his eyes.
“Where the hell is the remote?” asked Jacob.
“AAAAARRGH!!” shouted Garrett still closed his eyes. Then Jacob and Dave saw the scene and closed their eyes.
“This is the crappiest scene in HD ever!” shouted Jacob.
“No!” shouted Garrett “I’ll never see that again!”
“We don’t want to see that movie again.” said Jacob while Dave turned off the Blu-Ray disc player and the TV.
“Oh, c’mon!” shouted Melly.


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