Unnatural Murders: The Boiling Point Episode 9

After Troy and Billy left the house, Josh came out to the terrace.
“Troy?” called Josh, and then his iPhone was ringing, he read the latest message from Troy “Troy!? What the hell is he up to?”
“Josh, where’s Troy?” asked Trevor.
“He is going out with Billy, and he won’t be attending the court tomorrow morning.” answered Josh.
“But he know that no evidences to prove that Kevin is innocent.” said Trevor.
“No, maybe Troy’s right, let’s hope that Troy find a proof.” said Josh, and then his iPhone was ringing again “It’s from Sam!” he read Sam’s message “James is the father of the baby!?”

Josh was shocked after he knew that James is Susan’s baby’s father.
“No way, he impregnated Susan?” said Josh “Damn!” He threw a stone while he was mad.
“Josh, calm down!” shouted Trevor “Relax, you should relax, it will be no use if you mad.”
“Shut up, man.” said Josh “I’m worried about my brother, maybe we should…”
“No, let him go.” said Trevor.
“But I’m afraid if anything happen to Troy.” said Josh.
“Don’t worry, he will be alright.” said Trevor.
Troy and Billy were walking on the street, Troy looked on his iPhone.
“Oh no, it’s our curfew, we should get back.” said Troy.
“Troy, don’t worry, you’re going to stay in my house tonight, the next day, we will continue our search.” said Billy “So, what ride should…”
“Taxi!” shouted Troy when he saw a taxi cab.
“Troy, we shouldn’t ride a taxi cab, it’s expensive!” said Billy.
Troy replied “I’ll pay it, I bring much money.”
Kenneth was worried about Kevin, and then Kendall came.
“Kendall, where were you!? It’s almost your curfew!” asked Kenneth.
“I’m sorry, bro, I searched for clues, but I got nothing.” answered Kendall.
“Well, you did your best you can do, but let’s hope that the judges find another clue that proves Kevin is innocent.” said Kenneth, he hugged Kendall.
The next day, Josh woke up and he took his iPhone, he sent a text to Troy. He knew that today would be Kevin’s first court.
“All we can do only defend Kevin.” said Josh, he took his shirt off and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
Billy woke up and opened the window, while Troy was still sleeping shirtless.
“Troy, Troy, wake up!” said Billy tried to wake up Troy.
“Billy, can I sleep two more hours?” asked Troy.
“No, we have to find more evidences!” answered Billy “C’mon, man, we need to find more!”
Then Troy went off from bed “Today is the day, isn’t it?”
“If you mean Kevin’s first day of trial, my answer is yes.” answered Billy “C’mon, take a shower!”
At 8 AM, Josh and Trevor came to the court.
“This is the day.” said Josh.
“Yeah.” said Trevor.
“Josh!” called Sam came “Bad news, James hires his longtime friends to defend him!”
“What!?” shouted Trevor.
“He cheated!” shouted Josh.
“He doesn’t, but I know you think this is really unfair, so we should do our best to defend Kevin, and I bring my friends to help us.” said Sam.
“Guys, we got to go in!” said Trevor.
Troy and Billy started their search again.
“Troy, we should attend the trial.” said Billy.
“No, we won’t.” replied Troy.
“Troy, we have to!” said Billy.
“No!” said Troy “We’re going to find a proof which proves Kevin is innocent!” said Troy, and then he got a message, he read it “James is liar, Kim is actually still alive, I know it, I swear –M.”
“Don’t believe M!” said Billy.
“No, Kim is still alive.” said Troy “I believe. Let’s go!”
At court, the situation wasn’t calm, but so noisy when Kevin’s defenders and James’ defenders. Then the judge came.
“Silence, everybody, take your seat.” said the judge
“Today’s court is plaintiff James against defendant Kevin, the court is going to start now!” said the police.
“Oh no, this won’t be good.” said Trevor.
“Why?” asked Josh.
“Both James’ defenders and Kevin’s defenders are going to be tumultuous.” answered Trevor.
One of James’ friends came and spoke “I know that James is used to be the most controversial student in my school, but he changed after he transfer school, he dated his girlfriend, Kim. And I know Kim is murdered by Kevin. I have a proof! KEVIN KILLED KIM!!”
“BOO!! LIAR!!” shouted Kevin’s friends and classmates “BOO!!”
“SHUT UP!!” shouted the judge.
“Kevin is the murderer! I swear to God! God saw him when he killed Kim!” shouted one of James’ friends.
“BOOOOOOO!!!!” shouted Kevin’s friends once again.
“Hey, calm down!” shouted Josh.
“SHUT UP!” shouted the judge.
James finally testified.
“I heard that Kevin broke up with Kim, and I decide to date her, but… HE KILLED HER! HE’S THE MURDERER! And HE MADE SUSAN PREGNANT!!!”
“BOOOOO!!!” shouted Kevin’s friends.
“That’s not true! He didn’t impregnate me!” shouted Susan.
“BOOO!!!” shouted Kevin’s friends.
“SILENCE!!” shouted the judge.
Then Kevin’ attorney raised his hand and spoke “Excuse me, we should test Susan’s baby’s DNA to prove that Kevin is the father of the baby.”
“YEAH! You have to!” shouted Sam.
“You have to!” shouted Kevin’s friends.
“No! Don’t do it!” shouted James’ friends.
“The court is going to be suspended, we need the DNA test.” said the judge.
“BOOO!!!” shouted James and his friends, they were going to beat up the judge, but polices stopped them and kicked them out.
Josh, Sam, Trevor, and Susan met the judge and Kevin.
“Sir, have you found any proof?” asked Josh.
“If about Kevin, I’m sorry, we haven’t found any evidences which prove Kevin is innocent.” answered the judge.
“But…” said Josh.
“Josh, I know the judge knows that I’m innocent actually, but if he or they can’t find any evidences, we should pray to God.” said Kevin.
“Or we should wait for the DNA test’s results.” said Susan.
“Or we should wait for Troy, he is searching for any evidence now.” said Trevor.
“Guys, I’m innocent or guilty, just believe I’m innocent and pray to God for the police release me immediately.” said Kevin, and then he hugged Josh, Sam, and Trevor.
“Kevin, Susan, let’s go.” said the police.
“I hope Kevin is not my baby’s father.” said Susan.
Kevin and Susan left the court.
Troy and Billy were still searching for evidence, and then Troy saw someone suspicious.
“Hey, I think I’ve seen you once.” said Troy. The boy ran away, Troy started to chase him.
“Troy!” shouted Billy.
Troy didn’t listen to Billy, he was chasing the boy, finally, Troy got the boy.
“Do you know where Kim is?” asked Troy.
“She’s dead!!” shouted the boy, Troy knew that he lied.
“Where is she!?” shouted Troy.
“I told you she’s already dead!” shouted the boy.
“Come with me!” shouted Troy took the boy the gents’ room, he opened the door and the toilet “I’ll ask you, if you don’t answer, I will put your head into the toilet water! Where is Kim?”
“I have nothing else to say!” shouted the boy. Troy put his head into the toilet water, he soon removed his head from the toilet.
“WHERE IS SHE!?” shouted Troy.
“She’s dead!! I told you!” shouted the boy.
Troy started to mad and put the boy’s head into the toilet paper again.
“Troy! Stop it!” shouted Billy came “That’s not the how you to interrogate a person!”
“He’s liar!” shouted Troy, he pressed the boy’s head.
“Wait…” said the boy, Troy pulled his head “I know where Kim is, he is in the…”
Troy and Billy came to the place where the boy mentioned, they finally found Kim, Kim was fainted.
“Oh no!” said Troy, he checked Kim “She’s looked weak.”
“We should take her to the hospital!” said Billy.
“Call 911, Billy! I will call Josh.” said Troy, he took his iPhone and called Josh.

Josh came out from the court, his iPhone was ringing, he answered the call.
“Bro, we found Kim!” said Troy.
“Troy, Kim is dead, don’t tell me that you found her body, it’s too late.” said Josh.
“No! Kim is still alive, we found her!” said Troy.
“Are you crazy, Troy? Kim is dead!” said Josh.
“But…” said Troy.
Josh ended the call immediately, he got another message from M, he read it “Don’t believe your dumbass brother, Kim is dead –M.”


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